

Manuel Dembo 3 weeks ago updated by Alexander 2 weeks ago 1

Can We Add the Simple Factory Pattern?

Bataklik 3 months ago updated by Daryl Stark 3 months ago 1

Architecture patterns / Patrones de arquitectura

2015 garciajs 3 months ago 0

circular dependency in state patrern

NeilTeng 4 months ago updated by Daryl Stark 3 months ago 1

Replace Temp with Query might add performance overhead

Hoang Tran 4 months ago updated by Daryl Stark 3 months ago 1

Remove middle man has diagrams from hide delegate?

Petr Vnenk 4 months ago updated by Hoang Tran 4 months ago 1

Please put examples in Kotlin

cardaguh 5 months ago 0

You proposed using assertions in python, which is considered code smell outside of testing.

Annoying Adam 5 months ago updated 5 months ago 0