Just finished your book. Read it cover to cover.
Main points:
- I really understand UML now.
- I understand how to work with classes properly now (most of my code before had a lot of functions and not a single class)
- I get builders and decorators now (I got that "aha" feeling from your book. For decorators, it came when I saw the stack = FBdecorator(stack) line. That's where I really got how it works.)
- I really enjoyed the comics. They were genuinely funny. ("What's your price?", "Sorry, I thought this room was taken.", "Have you tried turning it off and on again")
- The design of this book is beautiful. It was pleasant to look at and pleasant to read.
- The content is consistently structured... to a... pattern :D
I'm just super excited to code now because I feel like I just understand what I'm should be done.
Well done on this outstanding book, and I'm glad you finished it just before I thought to research design patterns.

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Hi Aaron!
Thanks a lot for your feedback! I'm very glad that you liked my work.
I have a little favor to ask. I'd be very grateful if you post your review and rate the book on Goodreads. This is really important for me because the aggregate score affects how the book is featured in search engines, so I'd appreciate any help. If you don't have an account there, the registration is pretty quick, you could even use a social network account to log in. Once inside, go the book's page, mark it as read with the widget on the left and it'll give you the review form.
Thanks again!