Next edition coming soon ?
Hi Alexander, is there a new edition coming up soon like in next 2/3 months or the current one is it.
If its not coming up, I would buy the current book available. Thanks

I assume that you meant the "Dive Into Design Patterns". If so, there are no major editions planned soon and even if they were, you'd get the free upgrades anyway. Note that the book is only available as an ebook, therefore you're not locking yourself out of the updates.

Thank you, yes I was looking for Design Patterns ebook. I saw the preview of the ebook & amazed by the pictorial stuff(& the fact that you've spent over 3 yrs to create such content). I was looking for such a book on DP. Great to know that I'd get updates, I will get the book today. Thanks again.
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I assume that you meant the "Dive Into Design Patterns". If so, there are no major editions planned soon and even if they were, you'd get the free upgrades anyway. Note that the book is only available as an ebook, therefore you're not locking yourself out of the updates.