
Why i can't see MVC pattern in the book ?

ahmed fakhr 5 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 1

Why i can't see MVC pattern in the book  because it is the most popular pattern in PHP , or it's not a pattern 
although if it's not a pattern so what it's ?



Hi Ahmed!

Thanks for asking! The reason why that pattern isn't in the book is that I wanted to focus on well-known patterns introduced by "gang of four" two decades ago. Regrettably, MVC is not a GoF pattern.

While I consider the scope of "Dive Into Design Patterns" final and don't plan to expand it with new patterns, I do plan to write another book with a compilation of less popular patterns, such as the one that you named and many more. But that's likely to happen in a few years.

Satisfaction mark by ahmed fakhr 4 years ago

Hi Ahmed!

Thanks for asking! The reason why that pattern isn't in the book is that I wanted to focus on well-known patterns introduced by "gang of four" two decades ago. Regrettably, MVC is not a GoF pattern.

While I consider the scope of "Dive Into Design Patterns" final and don't plan to expand it with new patterns, I do plan to write another book with a compilation of less popular patterns, such as the one that you named and many more. But that's likely to happen in a few years.