
Meaning and purpose of the arrows shown in the charts

Mark Kevin Besinga hace 4 años actualizado hace 4 años 4

I have been a reader of this site for sometimes now and I have hard understanding the charts shows on each pattern. I just wan't to know what the arrows meaning and purpose so I can understand it clearly. take this for example.

Image 775

Thank you in advance for those who can give me some answer
Puntuación de satisfacción por Mark Kevin Besinga hace 4 años
Under review

Hi Mark!

This type of diagram is called the UML class diagram. You can find lots of info about these diagrams over the web, as the UML is a major standard. A nice starting point is this wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_diagram


Just FYI, the brief intro into UML is also present in the full design patterns book ( https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/book )

Yes I have purchased the book right after posted here. I'm excited and I think i'll learn alot on this book.