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Meaning and purpose of the arrows shown in the charts

Mark Kevin Besinga 4 роки тому оновлений 4 роки тому 4

I have been a reader of this site for sometimes now and I have hard understanding the charts shows on each pattern. I just wan't to know what the arrows meaning and purpose so I can understand it clearly. take this for example.

Image 775

Thank you in advance for those who can give me some answer
Позначка задоволеності від Mark Kevin Besinga 4 роки тому

Hi Mark!

This type of diagram is called the UML class diagram. You can find lots of info about these diagrams over the web, as the UML is a major standard. A nice starting point is this wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_diagram

Відповідь надано

Just FYI, the brief intro into UML is also present in the full design patterns book ( https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/book )

Yes I have purchased the book right after posted here. I'm excited and I think i'll learn alot on this book.